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Many people have heard about the stair lift and if you are someone that just skipped its meaning, well, you should know that it is a device that is mainly used in airport buildings and malls in order to facilitate the transition of people from one level to another. They are specially designed so that they will get to take the pressure of people easily so that no matter how many of them use it at the same time, it will not fail its purpose. They also come in different sizes and designs and they get to work on battery and electricity as well.

More to that, there are also many handicapped people that would like and visit the malls and that is why lately there have been stairs that have been made especially for them, so that they can also enjoy their trip to the mall. As such, it seems that there are more and more such types of stairs lately developed, because the ones that are handicapped also want to visit malls and shop.

Out there, you will see that there are quite a few types of wheelchair lifts and they are the platform, the straight, the outdoor & the curved one. If you will want to go with the custom curved one, you will have to pay more money for it than for the other models that we have mentioned. What is amazing about such types of stairs is the fact that they work great with electricity and batteries as well, so when they will not get to be used, they will be recharged and if a power outage enters the scene, they will still be functional.

More to that, you should know that these types of stairs are present in buildings like malls, airport buildings, banks and so forth, as it helps people going from one level to the other without delving into much physical effort.

Don’t be afraid of using the straight stair lifts, for you will always be protected when finding yourself on one of them. Sometimes, it might be that there are many people that are using them and it is easy to just bulge into someone and thus make that person lose its equilibrium.

If you plan on opening a mall, you need to buy stair lifts. Good luck!

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